SUSRIS Editor’s Note:
A year ago we had a conversation with Kathy Cuddihy about her experiences as a self-described “once reluctant expat” and her book “Anywhere But Saudi Arabia.”
In it she described what it was like to have a 24-year-long front row
seat to a country in transition and to be a part of the rapidly
developing city of Riyadh she first discovered in 1976. Cuddihy’s memoir
documented her experiences and how her attitude transformed from
initial reluctance and resistance to accept a transfer to Saudi Arabia,
to a deep love and respect for its customs and people.

Cuddihy’s book, “Anywhere But Saudi Arabia: Experiences of a Once Reluctant Expat
,” is now available in bookstores in the United States as well as

Driven Women Kathy Cuddihy
As a young girl, I thought the epitome
of luxury would be to have my own chauffeur-driven car. When my husband
Sean was transferred to Saudi Arabia, this ambition was realised. Not
quite in the elegant style I imagined, but I did have a driver.
A woman committing to living in Saudi
also commits to retiring her car keys. Although I resented giving up
what I considered to be a basic freedom, the situation wasn’t quite as
bad as I had anticipated. Because there was no public transportation,
Sean’s company provided shopping buses and a couple of personal drivers
to be shared among the wives. Eventually I had my own driver. This made
life easier but it didn’t reduce the counterbalance of frustrations that
came with being driven:
- I didn’t have to worry about finding a parking space: my driver dropped me at the front door of wherever I was going. Instead, I worried about whether or not he’d remember to pick me up at the appointed time—or at all.
- I could send my driver on errands all over the city. Useful… except when he brought back the wrong items, forgot to do things or went to the wrong place.
- I didn’t have to cope with Riyadh traffic and the crazies who sped past on the inside emergency lane. I was too busy coping with my driver, reminding him to stop at stop signs, use his signal before turning, not to sit on the tail of the car in front and any one of a dozen other backseat recommendations.
It’s not illegal for women to drive in
Saudi Arabia but it is illegal for them to drive without a Saudi
license. And licenses aren’t issued to women. The embargo is purely
cultural. A combination of deeply embedded tradition and a powerful
religious establishment ensures that progress in the desert kingdom
happens slowly.

Not far behind him on the silly scale,
Sheik Mohammed al-Nujaimi, claimed that women driving was a “great
danger”. He expressed the usual concerns: increased opportunity for
adultery, broken marriages and more accidents. His addendum that
allowing women to drive would result in “the spending of excessive
amounts on beauty products” left everyone scratching their heads.
In November 1990, immediately before the
start of the Gulf War, 47 women, accompanied by their husbands or male
relatives, drove in convoy through the streets of Riyadh. The peaceful
protest had dire consequences. The mutawwa whipped up widespread
opposition resulting in the women being vilified and sometimes jailed,
losing or being suspended from their jobs and having their passports
taken away. As Madiha Al Ajroush, one of the participants, said, “Our
sin was to deviate from the collective norm. For that we are
persecuted.” The crack in the door to liberalisation had been slammed
shut in no uncertain terms.
It took nearly 20 years, until June
2011, before the next driving crusade was organised. This one rode on
the momentum of the Arab Spring; women from all over the kingdom joined
the movement. This time there was comparatively little backlash from the
general public.
In October 2013 the Ministry of Interior
warned activists not to proceed with their planned drivathon but there
were indications that the government might be wavering in its stance:
token police checks were set up in downtown areas—where the women
weren’t driving. The aftermath has been primarily that of growing
support for lifting the ban.
The explosion of social media means that
dissatisfactions once voiced privately now are shouted from cyberspace
to the world. A youthful population that refuses to be disenfranchised
fuels campaigns for more freedoms. In this country of over 12 million
women, females are becoming more defiant, less pliable.
Saudi men need to look in their rearview
mirrors: women drivers are speeding up the highway of change. It won’t
be long before they catch up.
Kathy Cuddihy is author of “Anywhere But Saudi Arabia: Experiences of a Once Reluctant Expat.”

- Anywhere But Saudi Arabia: Experiences of a Once Reluctant Expat
- A-Z of Places and Things Saudi
- Saudi Customs and Etiquette
- Familiarity Breeds Content
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